Docklands’ Favorite Bikie!

June 15, 2010 § Leave a comment

If you come to visit J.C Street in the near future at LifeLab in the Docklands, likelihood is that unless you catch the City Circle Tram to HarbourTown, you are likely to park  your car. You’ll meet Vince, also known as Fester. You’ll know him immediately because he is one of Dockland’s most colourful and kind characters.

Apart from brightening the lives of Docklands workers and visitors every day with a kind word or (in my case) a pinch of the cheek, Vince is also part of a bike group called  B.A.C.A. These bikers are destroying the image of the ‘bad’ boys, as they join together for good in protecting childern from harm and abuse.

Vince (also known by his nickname ‘Fester’) is a proud Dad of 3 children, so making sure that kids are safe is important to him. B.A.C.A. let children they are protecting know they are there for them 24 hours a day. If the child calls the B.A.C.A bikies, they immediately come to assist and alert anyone threatening the child that they are around.

Vince also has a gorgeous pet piglet ‘Miss Piggy’ who you can sometime see being walked around Docklands with J.C Street’s most precious pet, Bella.

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